Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The first XBOX I owned was in 2004.
It was a free gift upon signing up with the local ISP with a contract for 2 years.

I was an avid gamer for a few years and stopped gaming, though I still own the first original XBOX.

Just recently in December 2011, I was spurred by the new XBOX360's Kinect which allowed the use of the entire body as the game controller and went to purchase a brand new XBOX360 console with Kinect.

Just like cycling, you will never forget it.
And everything I learnt from the old XBOX came back.

I am sure many others have bought this console for their children and/or themselves and have many uncertainties about the XBOX360 console...

With this blog, I will share my experiences, tips and guides about the XBOX360 and hopefully clear the doubts about owning this fantastic gaming platform in your home.