Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dance Central 1 and 2

If you have bought Dance Central 2 and thought it was good and wanted to try out Dance Central 1 for more tracks, you need to know some facts.

The "Dance Battle" modes between DC1 and DC2 are slightly different.

DC2 allows for both dancers to be dancing at the same time, challenging each other on the same moves simultaneously.

DC1 only allows one dancer to be dancing at one time and the 2nd dancer will have to wait for his turn to perform the same moves as the song somewhat repeats itself.

Read here for review on the DC2 vs DC1

For those whom are already very comfortable with the Dance Battle modes of DC2 will find it disappointing to not be able to do a head to head Dance Battle with a friend next to you.

Fear not, because it "IS" possible to export the songs from DC1 to be playable on DC2 and hence allow 2 simultaneous dancers on DC2 Dance Batte modes using DC1 songs.

There is a caveat to exporting the songs though.
You will need to use a certain code that is printed on the manual of DC1 and it will also require 400 MSP in order to do the export of DC1 songs to DC2. [ See here for Microsoft's instructions on exporting the tracks from DC1 to DC2 ]

The code printed on the back of the manual of DC1 can only be used "once".
It is thus advised not to purchase a "pre-owned/used/opened" DC1 game off the 2nd hand market.

Many owners whom owned DC1 and DC2, may have redeemed the DC1 codes and imported the songs to DC2 [ downloaded to local XBOX360 media ] and thus doesn't require the game disc of DC1.

So do be sure to get a fresh copy of DC1 if you are planning to export the DC1 tracks over to DC2.

My fav dancer on DC